As one of the 7 WONDERS of OREGON, we all share responsibility for protecting the Park. Please read and become familiar with these important Park Rules. Learn more about regulations, laws and policies of the Park here. We want you to get out and explore the Park and have a great time. But please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with basic bike, pedestrian, and general safety rules:

- Stay hydrated. Biking at this elevation (6,000 feet and higher) leads to rapid dehydration. Drink plenty of fluids and drink before you are thirsty.
- Watch for others. Ride the Rim is a pedestrian-friendly event. All walkers, runners, and cyclists have equal rights to the roads during this event, so please be courteous to others. We’re all out here looking to have a great time. Let’s share the road.
- Hills/Speed. The East Rim Drive has several steep grades. As you reach the peak and begin your decent(s), you will accelerate rapidly. Please exercise caution. Due to the steep downhill grade, cyclists can/will reach speeds exceeding 35-40 MPH. Remember, you cannot stop as quickly nor maneuver as quickly at these speeds. Exercise caution at all times.
- Two-Way Traffic. Ride the Rim allows for two-way traffic. While most bike traffic is going in a clockwise direction, it is permissible to travel counter clockwise and some riders do this. As such, it's important - especially for downhill stretches where higher speeds are typical - that you could encounter a cyclist coming in the opposite direction. To this end, staying in your right hand lane is best at all times.
- Signal. Let other riders and pedestrians know what you are doing. If you are turning, changing lanes, passing other cyclists and/or pedestrians, please be courteous and use a bell, hand signal, and/or your voice to let others know what you are doing.
- Stay on Road. There is no off-paved surface riding. Stay on the Rim Drive and approved walkways, parking lots, rest areas, etc...
Pedestrians include those walking, running, pushing strollers, using wheelchairs, etc…
- Stay hydrated. Hiking at this elevation (6,000 feet and higher) leads to rapid dehydration. Drink plenty of fluids and drink before you are thirsty.
- Share the Road. Be aware you will be sharing the road with many bicycles. As such, please stay out of the middle of the road. Walk/Run towards the right edge of the road.
- Watch Kids. If you are walking/running with minors (anyone under age 18), and especially children, please watch them at all times. Cyclists will be traveling at high rates of speeds on some sections of the road and to avoid the possibility of a collision between cyclist and pedestrian it is critical that you watch young children at all times.
- Camping. Camping is limited to developed campgrounds and some backcountry areas. Permits are required for backcountry camping.
- Driving. When driving in the Park, use the pullouts to enjoy the views. Do not stop in the road. Observe posted speed limits, and watch for wildlife, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Off-road travel is prohibited.
- Fires. Fires are allowed only in designated fire rings in the Rim Village Picnic Area and campgrounds. Fires may be restricted at certain times. Please check with a ranger for current fire conditions and/or restrictions.
- Food. Store food properly. Generally, this means sealed in your vehicle or a campground food locker. Backcountry campers should use bear proof canisters or hang food from a tree. Exposing wild animals to human food alters their behavior, is bad for their health, and can be dangerous for us.
- Hiking and Climbing. Stay on trails. This prevents erosion, protects vegetation, and protects other hikers. Shortcutting trails is prohibited. Hiking and climbing inside the caldera are strictly prohibited. The only exception is the Cleetwood Cove Trail, which is the only safe and legal access to the lake shore. Serious injuries and deaths have occurred from falls inside the caldera. The walls consist of steep, unstable rocks and soils.
- Park Features. Leave rocks, plants, animals, and artifacts undisturbed for others to enjoy. Collecting, defacing, destroying, or disturbing natural, cultural, or historical features is prohibited and punishable by law.
- Pets. Some visitors travel with their pets. At Crater Lake National Park, pets have a few rules to follow. Please adhere to all pet regulations. Above all, clean up after your pet and keep them leashed.
- Viewpoints. Stay back from the edge of the caldera. Do not go beyond established fences and rock walls. Falling may cause injury or death.
- Weapons. Firearms are prohibited in all posted park buildings.
If you are considering riding along West Rim with traffic, or plan to be on the East Rim after the route open to traffic, please consider the following safety tips to protect yourself:
- BE SEEN! Wear bright colors or reflective clothing
- BE SEEN! Use a tail light
- Ride with the flow of traffic (same lane)
- Ride single file
- Be aware at all times
- Consider using a rearview mirror
- Never draft behind a car
- Don't pass cars on downhill sections
- Call "one your left" when you are approaching to pass another bike
- Call "car back" to notify riders in front of you that a car is approaching
- Don't wear ear buds or listen to music