b'Americasrst waterfowlwildlife refugeLower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge holds the distinction of being Americas first waterfowl refuge, established in 1908 by President Theodore Roosevelt. This pioneering conservation e"ort set a precedent for wildlife protection and habitat preservation across the country. Start your exploration at the Visitor Center at the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Discover an invaluable resource for seasonedKlamaths National Wildlife Refuges o"er a variety of birdwatchers and anyone just ge!ing started. Chat with nowledgeable rangers and biologists who o"er tips on recent sightings and the bestways to immerse yourself in the natural world. Explore spots for wildlife observation or learn Americas avian sanctuaries more about the special species andan auto tour at Lower Klamath and Tule Lake Refuges which provide a safari-style adventure from the comfort habitats of the refuges in engagingof your vehicle, allowing for intimate wildlife encounters exhibits. This blend of educationalwithout leaving your car. These routes are designed to resources and expert guidancemaximize wildlife viewing opportunities, making every turn ensures that every visit is informativea potential discovery of Klamaths diverse inhabitants.and inspiring.Before many of the iconic National Parks were established,For a more tactile experience, walking trails across the Theodore Roosevelt foresaw the need to protect Americas wildlifeBIRDS & WILDLIFE refuges invite visitors to step into the habitats of countless and their habitats. This vision led to the creation of Nationalbird species. These trails range from easy walks to more Wildlife Refuges, a network of protected areas dedicated to thechallenging hikes, each o"ering unique perspectives of conservation of fish, wildlife, and plants. The Klamath Basin, with its blend of three National Parks and five National Wildlife Refuges,Learn how to visit the refuges landscapes and wildlife. Interpretive signs celebrates and protects these special places, o"ering a sanctuaryalong the paths enrich the journey, providing insights for diverse species and a unique, serene complement to theNational Wildlife Refuges into the species you encounter and the ecosystems they experience of visiting a National Park. inhabit.Klamath Basin, a crossroadsthe comfort of your vehicle.Guided tours and hunts o"er a deeper dive of migratory paths andWater trails invite paddlersinto the refuges ecosystems, led by experts diverse ecosystems,to glide through habitatswho share their knowledge on the local o"ers a unique blend ofteeming with life. Each modeflora and fauna. Or, guide yourself through outdoor adventures akinof exploration o"ers a uniquethese habitats with the Tule Lake National to a North American safari.perspective on the refugesWildlife Refuge History Tour.Immerse yourself in theinhabitants and landscapes.tranquility of National Wildlife Refuges, exploringBirdwatchers are particularly a variety of environmentsdrawn to Klamath for its role from marshlands to openin the Pacific Flyway, a major waters and forested areas.migratory route for millions ofThese refuges, designed withbirds. The basins refuges playBIRDS & WILDLIFEconservation at their core,host to an impressive array provide intimate encountersof species, from the majestic with wildlife, o"ering a serenebald eagles, known for theirNavigate the serene waters of the Upper Klamath Canoe Trail, yet wild contrast to thewinter gatherings, to thewhere paddling becomes an intimate encounter with natures grandeur of National Parks. graceful white pelicans andwonders. This unique trail meanders through the Upper Klamath intricate dances of grebes.National Wildlife Refuge, o"ering paddlers a chance to glide past Klamaths National WildlifeWith over 350 bird specieslush marshlands and observe wildlife in their natural habitat. For Refuges are accessible andrecorded, the Klamath Basinthose without gear, local outfi!ers provide rentals and guided welcoming to all. Walkingo"ers endless opportunitiestours, ensuring an accessible adventure for all skill levels.trails meander through lushfor discovery and connection habitats; auto tours o"er awith nature.safari-like experience from 56 57'