b'NorthBIRDS & WILDLIFESection cover pageAmericasSafariDiscover the thrill of birdwatching in one ofthe nations most diverse and complex habitats.Welcome to birdwatching paradise in Klamath, renowned for its unparalleled diversity of bird species and unique habitats. Home to the largest concentration of wintering bald eagles in the lower 48 states, Klamath o"ers bird enthusiasts the rare opportunity to observe these majestic birds up close. Alongside eagles, the region is a haven for pelicans, grebes, and a myriad of migratory birds that traverse the Pacific Flyway, making Klamath a critical stopover on their journey. The areas numerous wildlife refuges and accessible trails provide ample opportunities for visitors to immerse themselves in birdwatching, whether theyre seeking the serene beauty of Photo: Aaron Bocchi waterfowl or the dramatic aerial displays of raptors.Birdwatching in Klamath is a year-round activity, with each season bringing its own unique sightings and experiences. From the springtime courtship displays of grebes on Klamath Lake to the fall migrations that fill the skies with a variety of species, Klamaths natural landscapes o"er a spectacular backdropBIRDS & WILDLIFEfor birding adventures. Local visitor centers provide valuable resources and insights, helping both novice and experienced birders discover the best locations and times to witness the avian wonders of Klamath. Whether youre drawn to the quiet observation of birds in their natural se!ings or the excitement of spo!ing rare species, Klamaths rich birdlife and stunning vistas make it an ideal destination for birdwatching enthusiasts.54 Photo: Kelsey White 55'